Vision Statement:
The Club of choice, supporting members to achieve their dreams.
Our Values:
Equitable: We play fair and respect everyone’s rights and goals, on and off the water.
Inclusive: We are welcoming and value our relationships with each other and with everyone in our community.
Learning: We value what rowing teaches us as individuals and about working together.
Excellence: We are ambitious and always strive to do our best.
Integrity: We always do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Our Mission:
1. Support participation of rowers at all levels.
2. Provide a structure of coaching and development for all our members.
3. Are a professional and sustainable organisation with strong safety, governance, fleet and financial management and operational practices consistent with our community recreational not-for-profit status.
4. Nurture and grow our team of volunteers.
5. Develop a sense of community on and off the water.
6. Promote health and wellbeing in our community and care about the environment.
B&GPS Rowing Club Strategic Plan 2018 to 2019